Issue 112 Editorial

In this issue 
by Simon Best

As the cover proclaims, this issue’s main focus Is on holistic dentistry and the hazards of root canal treatments, especially the long-term health effects. Dr Elmar Jung describes the process and the vested interests of orthodox dental organisations to support them while ignoring the persistent heath problems they have caused. But the positive news is that having them removed can dramatically reverse chronic health problems. Denial by the dental profession can no longer be sustained nor accepted.

Equally, breakthroughs in the US endorsing fluoride’s toxicity have finally exposed what many always suspected. A major NTP report has confirmed that fluoride lowers children’s IQ, among many other serious adverse effects. As a result, some towns are already rejecting water fluoridation, while a long-running legal case against the EPA has ended in victory for the Fluoride Action Network and other groups. How these developments will impact UK anti-fluoridation campaigns remains to be seen but they certainly provide very strong evidence in their favour.

Exposing the myths about cholesterol, Stephen McMurray reveals the weak and flawed evidence for the claims of adverse effects of ‘high’ cholesterol while describing the health benefits of sufficient levels, especially in the elderly. In addition, he identifies the adverse effects of statins that are regularly prescribed to lower cholesterol and cites enough evidence to enable anyone to re-assess the need to take them. But will doctors take the evidence on board?

David Ash has spent 50+ years researching quantum physics with the aim of finding a unifying principle that could also account for a spiritual dimension. In his article he presents his reasoning for why he thinks his concept of the quantum vortex can fulfil these goals and explain questions and problems that still baffle physicists. This and his concept of ‘superenergy’ are explored further in his new book, just published.

The WHO has been heavily criticised for its actions and views during the Covid crisis. Now Alasdair Philips exposes its flawed, if not corrupt, review of RF/MW evidence and guidelines and shows that they do not reflect the views of leading researchers and experts, consistently taking a conservative, pro-industry view of potential hazards. Few independent researchers give any credence to the WHO’s biased, evidence assessments.

Finally, referencing a recent Caduceus article, Margaret Tottle-Smith re-assesses the issue of Jesus’ role as a messiah and argues for the need to understand the role of the Essene sect and zeitgeist of that time to properly appreciate his actions and statements. The ideas of previous Biblical scholars also support views that counter the status quo positions on major events in his life.

In the News, in a world first an Australian town has become the first to call for a ban on rolling out the mRNA ‘vaccines’, based on the latest evidence recently presented to Australian politicians, a move that shows signs of spreading. By contrast, the persecution of Dr Reiner Füllmich in Germany shows how this semi-Stasi state treats those who exercise their democratic right to object to the State’s policy on Covid and other issues. Its treatment of Füllmich, clearly a political prisoner, is a travesty of justice, of which the German Government should be ashamed. But the tide now seems to be turning and doctors, scientists and the public are increasingly challenging the lies and agenda of those who still promote misinformation about the health dangers of the novel, mRNA, gene therapies. Among the reviews, two powerful books catalogue the errors, lies, incompetence and suppression of evidence by UK auth­orities. Time to get yourself up to date!

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