Psychotherapy With Heart And Soul – holistic, transpersonal psychotherapy and counselling, honoring mind, body and soul. “The spiritual dimension is held in the work, as we follow the path of the Heart”
Here are some other sites around the internet that we recommend.
Radio – Sacred Music
Sacred Music Radio. Let us all be inspired by the sacred music of the world, which has been influenced by the saints and prophets, whatever religion we practice, if any.
Spiritual Links
Celtic Mystical Journeys. Celtic Mystical Journeys was founded to blend the spiritual and physical needs of seekers and pilgrims.
Plum Village. International site of the Community of Interbeing founded by Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh. Apart from information on retreats and courses, there is training, and articles by Thich Nhat Hanh.
The Golden Sufi Centre. The Sufi organization led by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, created by Mrs Tweedie. The site contains details of books, tapes and events.
Amma. The Hindu spiritual teacher known for her hugs and teaching of unconditional love. Her web site provides details of tours, retreats and teaching.
Beliefnet are a multifaith e-community designed to help you meet your own religious and spiritual needs. The site has an extraordinary collection of spiritual tools such as prayer circles, kits to help you celebrate births, weddings, and other life milestones, as well as commemorate deaths. The community atmosphere is helped by the array of discussions and dialogue groups.
The Lucis Trust. Founded by Alice and Foster Bailey, dedicated to promoting right human relations and the education of the human mind towards recognition and practice of spiritual principles. There are articles, information and details of events on the site.
The College of Psychic Studies. Promotes spiritual values through healing, mediumship and spiritual development.
The Community of Interbeing. The UK branch of the Community of Interbeing practising the teaching of Thich Nhat Hanh.
The Sufi Order International. Founded by Hazrat Khan and led by Pir Vilayat Khan. Contained on the site are teachings, a reference library and answers to frequently asked questions.
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. Offers classes for understanding the self through meditation and spiritual study.
MA in Mysticism. Details of the course at the University of Kent in Canterbury mentioned in issue 56 of Caduceus. To view the book list click here.
The Rumi Website is a great online resource including a life of Rumi, and a comprehensive list of his works, poetry and discourses. There is also a daily poem, quotes, events, bulletin board, bibliography and much more.
Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre and Society. The society researches contemporary spiritual/religious experience and provides a focal point for people interested in the discussion and study of such experiences.
Scientific and Medical Network International membership organization for scientists networking on spiritual awareness, CAM, “Promoting open exploration in science and human experience”. The site contains events, bibliographies, books, tapes and study materials.
Spiritual Survey 2002/3 is collecting accounts of profound spiritual experiences for publication in 2003. Mind & Meditation
International Society of Neuro-Semantics. Web site containing useful articles, techniques, discussion, books and resources devoted to the idea of ‘running your own brain’ using a NLP model.
Karnac Books is dedicated to psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and related subjects such as organisations, family, child, and adolescent studies. The site gives access to their book catalogue as well as reading lists and a huge range of links to psychoanalytic web sites.
Memory Arts Resources. This site holds an extensive and varied collection of articles about the Memory Arts. Subjects covered range from Renaissance Mnemonics, rhetoric and memory palaces to memory and learning, Memory, Autobiography, Vernacular Culture in the Digital Age and Hypertext and the Art of Memory.
The Memory exhibition at the Exploratorium. Although the exhibition was held a few years ago the site will remain online indefinitely and is worth visiting. The site includes web casts, memory games, exhibitions by a memory artist, a project collecting memories of Nagasaki as well as lectures and articles. The links section features a wide variety of links to sites about collective memory, memory and the law, memory and fiction, memory games, the anatomy of the human brain, false memory syndrome and more.
Memory Health Notes collects recent findings from research, including news about the brain that is related to memory and cognition. Notes are arranged by category and include sections about the biology of the brain, Alzheimer’s disease, brain cell regeneration, memory, memory fitness and memory improvement. Other parts of the site contain information for the caregivers of those with memory disorders and answers to frequently asked questions about memory.
Memory Page is dedicated to improving memory. It contains a range of tutorials, tips, tricks, activities and guides for reading and studying about memory. The links section is extensive, wide ranging and well worth a look.
Mind Tools looks at how you can best use your mind in your career. The site as a whole looks at job hunting skills, stress control techniques, study skills and project planning techniques. The area that deals specifically with memory explains the principles behind the use of mnemonics, discusses a range of individual tools that can be used to remember information and looks at how to use these skills in practical situations, for example to remember peoples names, languages, exam information and so on.
Society for Effective Affective Learning. SEAL is an international association of individual and institutional members who are passionate about learning. They examine how the brain works, how people learn and how to help people learn better. The site gives information about SEAL, as well as membership details, articles, news of conferences and web links.
The Relaxation Centre offers a fantastic online resource to help you chill out. They offer the wisdom, insights and methods to relax your spirit and rediscover your own inner peace. The site is divided into seven rooms that offer a thought for the day, a visualization exercise, a slow coach and a meditation room.
Adbusters are a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who advance the new social activist movement of the information age. The site offers articles from their magazine and activist commentary from around the world addressing issues ranging from genetically modified foods to media concentration. In addition, campaigns like Boycott Brand America, Buy Nothing Day and TV Turnoff Week have made them an important activist networking group, and they provide well designed resources to support those campaigning.
Images and Voices of Hope. An international conversation about the impact of the media on people, families, communities, cultures and the world.
INK. The Independent News Collective is a trade association of the radical and alternative press in the UK. Their site offers information about their 40 member publications (including Caduceus), newsletters and details of their wide ranging campaigns and events.
Reporting the World. A guide to best practice in reporting conflicts. Contains articles and discussions from leading journalists.
Open Democracy. Leading global news site with in-depth articles and debates on subjects ranging from the creation and purpose of a united Europe to motorway culture and the world climate after September 11th. Includes excellent list of web resources about the current situation in the Middle East.
Media Workers Against War. Publish daily reports from around the world. It’s run by people in the media who want to use their positions to collate and disseminate pertinent facts and arguments; to promote anti-war viewpoints; to expose and resist attempts at censorship and disinformation and to oppose coverage that licenses or gives succour to racism or attacks on asylum seekers.
Common Dreams. US site targeted to the progressive community providing breaking news, debate and global analysis from a US view point. Aims to use the internet as a political tool and to create new models for internet activism. Articles are varied and wide ranging.
FAIR. The American national media watch group, with a focus on media bias and censorship. The website offers articles on current affairs, action points and critical discussion on news presentation.
Media Lens. Provide accurate analysis of public issues such as human rights abuses, poverty, pollution and climate change.
MediaChannel. A non-profit, public interest website dedicated to global media issues. As well as news, reports and original features, resources include action toolkits, discussion forums, an indexed directory of affiliated groups and an online media-issues database.
Tom Paine. A public interest journal offering global analysis from a US perspective. The site features ideas, opinions and analyses overlooked by the mainstream media on mostly American public issues.
Voice of the Listener and Viewer. Represents citizen and consumer interests in broadcasting. It is the only organization in the UK speaking for listeners and viewers on the full range of broadcasting issues. Z is an independent political magazine of critical thinking on political, cultural, social, and economic life in the United States. It sees the racial, sexual, political, and class dimensions of personal life as fundamental to understanding and improving contemporary circumstances and it aims to assist activist efforts to attain a better future. The site contains a wealth of material including comprehensive introductions to many political issues, articles, links, essays, reading lists, debates and interviews. It combines a resource for researching the background to event with regular updates. Leading contributors write on a wide range of topics, and the site is available in 11 languages.
Cygnus. A book club that offers books about spirituality, alternative health care, personal growth and environmental issues. They send out a free monthly magazine of reviews to inform readers of new releases.
The Ecologist. Campaigns and informs on environmental and social issues facing the planet.
Ethical Consumer. An alternative UK consumer organization looking at the social and environmental records of the companies behind the brand names.
International Journal of Healing and Caring – On line. This tri-annual, online subscription journal addresses spiritual awareness and healing, intuition, personal development and wholistic therapies. Themes are discussed both by clinicians and by the patients/respants/clients/healees receiving these therapies and creative arts as healing.
Mandala. A quarterly Buddhist magazine published by the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition.
Pagan Dawn is the magazine of the Pagan Federation in the UK.
Parabola. Looks for the meaning expressed in the world’s myths, symbols, and religious traditions. Past themed issues have included Rites of Passage, Sacred Space, The Child, Ceremonies and the Stranger.
Paradigm Shift. Includes newly channelled messages intended to provide a positive and uplifting perspective on current events and articles that cater to the seeker on the spiritual path.
Permaculture Magazine. Publishes articles and information about sustainable living and lifestyles.
Positive News. A quarterly international newspaper reporting on the people, events and influences that are creating a positive future.
Sacred Hoop. A UK magazine for those interested in shamanism, animism and native spirituality.
Tricycle. A world-wide journal dealing with Buddhist issues. The web site contains articles from the magazine, an introductory section about Buddhism, lively discussion boards, lists of centres, recommended reading and details of events.
Utne Reader. Reprints the best articles from alternative media sources presenting the latest ideas and trends emerging in our culture.
What is Enlightenment? A journal focusing on the question of spiritual enlightenment in all traditions, founded and edited by teacher Andrew Cohen. Recent debates have included the future of God.
Middle East Focus
Act Together: Women Against Sanctions on Iraq is a group of UK-based Iraqi and non-Iraqi women who campaign together to raise awareness of the effects of sanctions and depleted uranium on Iraq. The web site contains, resources, information, articles and news of events.
Cactus48. A site run by American Christians who aim to share information about the situation in Palestine. The site contains the complete text of the Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East.
The Institute for Palestine Studies. An independent research and publication centre promoting research, analysis, and documentation on the Arab-Israeli conflict and its peaceful resolution. The site features selected articles from the Journal of Palestinian Studies.
Jews Not Zionists. Provides selected articles and links from Jewish groups who oppose Zionism on the grounds that it conflicts with the fundamental principles of the Torah.
Jewish Unity for a Just Peace. Junity is an international gathering of grassroots Jewish activists, including American Jews, who support a just, viable and lasting peace based on the principles of international law. The site contains current campaigns, links to news, and resources.
Jewish Voices Against the Occupation. A group giving voice to the extensive opposition within the Jewish community to Israel’s occupation of Palestine through a series of ads in US and Israeli newspapers.
The Middle Eastern Research and Information Project. A non-profit NGO based in Washington DC, founded by peace activists. The site provides articles and is also the website of the Middle Eastern Report.
Neturei Karta International. Dedicated to the propagation and clarification of Torah Judaism which is incompatible with Zionism. The site contains news about their work, statements and speeches.
New Profile is an organization working to de-militarize Israeli society. The site contains articles, events, links letters, and personal accounts of living in Israel and has sections written in Hebrew and English.
Not In My Name. NIMN is a Jewish peace group that works for a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians through the ending of occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Run by Jews who feel that the state of Israel often claims to act in the name and interests of world Jewry, but that these actions do not reflect Jewish values and beliefs. Site contains essays, information, events and resources.
The Palestine Chronicle is an independent internet magazine, dedicated to addressing issues and offering perspectives rarely seen in mainstream western media.
Palestine solidarity campaign. Established during the build-up to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 to create an effective mass campaign, organize protests, do political lobbying and raise public awareness. The site contains reports, information on campaigns and events, and resources.
The Palestine Monitor. Provides commentary and analysis on the current situation in Occupied Palestinian Territories and insight on the views of Palestinian civil society. It aims to provide the facts needed for an unbiased view of the Middle East situation.
Tikkun. Edited by Rabbi Michael Lerner, Tikkun publishes a Jewish critique on politics, culture and society from a perspective of inter-religious respect and human unity. The site features articles on politics in the middle east, spirituality and health.
Women for Peace is a coalition of women involved in peace movements and organizations including Bat Shalom, Women in Black and the Fifth Mother Movement. The coalition enables joint activities between groups to work together for a just peace and an end to the militarism which permeates Israeli society. The site contains articles and news of events as well as linking to member sites.
The England in Particular web site is a off shoot of the work of common ground. The site offers a way of looking at the local: walks that follow parish maps, rivers or green men; a calendar of customs and celebrations; how and why you should draw up an a to z of your locality. Environmental changes on the local level.
The Institute for Healing of Memories was set up in 1998, primarily as a response to the need for healing after the apartheid years in South Africa. It seeks to contribute to the healing journey of individuals, communities and nations by offering activities, such as workshops, seminars, talks and sermons. It develops models for dealing with emotions such as anger, hatred and guilt, and processes for reconciliation and forgiveness and an experiential way of learning about and from the past. The site contains information about the organization, news, interviews and reflections.
LifeRites is a resource and information centre for those who wish to honour the special times in their lives through non-conventional means. It holds no formal religious beliefs, but provides practical advice and guidance on Rites of Passage and Life Celebrations, empowering people to do things for themselves.
Not in our Name is an American web site set up by those who believe that as people living in the United States it is their responsibility to resist the injustices done by the government in their names, especially in regard to the current situation with Iraq. The site contains announcements, ideas for action, news and publicity material for campaigns.
Peace One Day has driven the initiative to establish the United Nations International Day of Peace as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, now fixed in the calendar as 21st September from 2002. The website gives details about the day, ways to get involved and news.
TimeBank works to break down the old divisions between the ‘helper’ and the ‘helped’ in volunteer work by offering both parties the scope for equal partnership. The Mentor project is recruiting volunteer mentors and coaches for refugees in London, Birmingham and Glasgow.
Political Links
Embassy World. Contact details for embassies across the world.
Fax Your MP. A page run by volunteers that allows you to fax your MP from your computer. Very useful.
The International Crisis Group. A private, multinational organization working through field-based analysis and high-level advocacy to prevent and contain conflict.
Peaceworkers UK. Established to increase the pool of people trained and available for international peace work. Site contains articles, reports, calendar and jobs.
Stop the War. Co-ordinates efforts in the UK to try to stop war. Contains mailing lists; information, details of events, resources for groups, and lists of groups to contact.
Transcend. A peace and development organization for conflict transformation. The website features sections on peace journalism, and resolving conflict with special reference to areas like Sri Lanka, Israel and Palestine.
Campaigning Links
101 ways to stop the war. EarthFuture are listing the fantastic page. It has ideas and resources whether your chosen path is inspired by writing, meditation or community.
Corporate Watch are direct activists on companies.
The Jubilee Debt Campaign. Campaign that works towards the cancelling of third world debt. The site includes an opportunity to petition the Queen as well as news about the organization and forthcoming events.
The New Economics Foundation. A think tank that challenges conventional business practices. The site offers practical solutions to the social, environmental and economic challenges facing the local, regional, national and global economies.
MoveOn works to bring ordinary people back into politics. Their web site contains campaigns, resources, officially recognized petitions and worldwide networks of activists to empower and inspire action.
The Tibet Foundation. A non-political organization working to preserve Tibetan Culture and assist the Tibetan People across the world.
Voices in the Wilderness. Campaigns to break the sanctions against Iraq by hand-delivering medical supplies, medical journals and toys to children’s hospitals in Iraq, without export licences despite the risk of prosecution and imprisonment. The site contains details about action, information and resources.
Peace Links
Oxford Research Group (ORG) is an independent team of researchers and support staff established in 1982 to develop effective methods for people to bring about positive change on issues of global and local security. Their sites contains their programmes and publications.
The Silent Minute is a chance for everyone from every background, belief system and part of the world to join together in a minutes silence to promote Peace. Their web site gives a history of the Minute, articles and links.
Traprock Peace Centre has been providing educational programs and resources to stimulate citizen engagement in creating a culture of peace since 1979. During 2002-03, Traprock has been working with groups in the UK and the US to support student peace movements, increase awareness of international peace efforts, foster international networking and provide original resources and programs that are valuable to researchers, activists and citizens. Their web site has extensive information resources, and has an archive for the work of Dr Doug Rokke.
ARC (the Alliance of Religions and Conservation) helps religious communities around the world care for the environment by getting people involved in conservation through education and practical projects. It encourages faiths to manage their own resources and assets to promote a healthy environment and promotes work with other religions and with conservation organizations to protect and enhance the earth’s rich natural and human heritage. Their site contains resources, news, projects, contacts and information on their work.
Amazon Watch. Works with indigenous and environmental organizations in the Amazon Basin to defend the environment and advance indigenous peoples’ rights in the face of large-scale industrial development (oil and gas pipelines, power lines, roads, and other mega-projects). The site contains breaking news, information about campaigns, advice for investors and resources.
Best Environmental Directories is a selection of internet environmental directories for more than 500 environmental subjects. Its a fantastic collection of sites with extensive information on anything from the Baltic Sea and Nuclear Power to tobacco, airports and air quality. I would really recommend this site as a starting point for any environmental research.
BlackRhinoceros. An environmental campaign web site with hundreds of cross-referenced and regularly updated links and briefings gathered to empower and inform action.
Centre for Alternative Technology. Europe’s leading eco-centre researching and building sustainable and ecologically sound technologies and ways of life.
Common Ground is recognized for playing a unique role in the arts and environmental fields, distinguished by the linking of nature with culture, focusing upon the positive investment people can make in their own localities, championing popular democratic involvement, and by inspiring celebration as a starting point for action to improve the quality of our everyday places. The site offers information on projects like the parish map project, apple day and the campaign for local distinctiveness that inspire work to keep places real and lived in.
The Eden Project. Based in Cornwall, the Eden Project promotes the understanding and responsible management of the vital relationship between plants, people and resources leading to a sustainable future for all.
Environmental Research Foundation web site aims to provide understandable scientific information about human health and the environment. As well as news and a library of past news items, there is a hugely extensive collection of links to other related sites, listed in alphabetical order.
The Environment Trust is an independent company and charity set up to promote environmental improvement and education projects, primarily in the East End of London, and to encourage community involvement in all aspects of the social, economic and physical environment through mutual action, community empowerment and the creation of common wealth. The web site includes information about green homes, landscape improvements, research projects and microcredit community finance projects.
National Pure Water Association. Publicizes information about the dangers of fluoride and campaigns against fluoridation of water.
The Pesticide Action Network. Campaigns to eliminate pesticide hazards around the world. The site provides information and campaign details.
The Scientific Alliance brings together scientists and others with an interest in the environment to offer a rational, scientific approach to the environmental debate. The Scientific Alliance believes that policy on the environment should be based on sound science and logic. The site contains a large number of news stories that provide an insight into the relationship between science and the environment.
The Soil Association. The UK’s leading campaigning and certification organization for organic food and farming.
Women’s Environmental Network. Educates, empowers and informs women and men who care about the environment. It campaigns on environment and health issues including local food, nappies, genetic engineering, breast cancer and the use of lindane.
Food & Agriculture
BigBarn. A virtual farmer’s market that allows you to find local farms and source local produce.
Compassion in World Farming. Campaign to end the factory farming of animals and long distance transport through hard-hitting political lobbying, investigations and high profile campaigns.
Factory Farming. Run by Viva! (see below) to call for the end of factory farming.
Farmers for Action. Organization that aims to secure a sustainable level of income for farmers and growers. The site contains information about the work of the organization and dates of events.
Food News. Promotes healthier choices in food and campaigns for pesticide free foods and organic farming. Using US government data the site allows you to see what combination of pesticides might be contained in your shopping basket.
Slow Food. The Slow Food campaign promotes an appreciation of quiet material pleasure in food and life. This site shows that such a philosophy of ‘eco-gastronomy’ has profound environmental, social and political consequences. As well as products and campaigns (including charity work in parts of the world like Brazil and former Yugoslavia where pleasure is hard to find) the site contains debates on the causes of world hunger and supports products like natural cork.
Sustain. The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
Viva! Campaigns internationally to stop all cruelty to animals, focussing especially on Western farming practices.
The Vegetarian Society website contains information and menu ideas for vegetarians and those considering becoming vegetarian.
Humanitarian Links
The Hunger Site. Donate a cup of staple food by clicking a link.
Survival International. A world-wide organization supporting tribal peoples’ right to decide their own future, and helping them protect their lives, lands and human rights.
Medical Centre for Victims of Torture. A London based organization which provides medical, psychological and social support for refugees who have undergone traumatic experiences.
Health Links
Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Institute of healing and personal transformation, run by Barbara Brennan, ex-NASA scientist and renowned intuitive healer and teacher.
The British Medical Journal. Web site features a rapid response page where latest news and developments in health are discussed.
Bristol Cancer Help Centre. Offers healing and positive health information and guidance to people affected by cancer and their supporters. Centre policy is to practise, teach, research and develop the holistic approach as an integral part of cancer care.
The Cancer Resource Centre. A London based charity that helps those affected by cancer, their families and health professionals. The web site offers news, details of services provided by the centre, a diary of events, publications, a book list and information on nutrition.
Intention in action is a programme created by Clif Sanderson that combines Intentional Healing with Deep Field Relaxation and Qi Gong. The site contains articles, seminars and newsletters on a variety of related subjects.
Marlborough Natural Health Centre is a community based venture whose aim is to promote health in a holistic way, encouraging complementary therapies, creative activities, community groups and education.
Mind. Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales. Its web site contains online information, press releases, details of events, a book shop and Mindinfoline for mental health information.
The Natural Death Centre. A non-profit charitable project launched in Britain in 1991, with three psychotherapists as directors. It aims to support those dying at home and their carers, to help them arrange funerals, and to help improve ‘the quality of dying’. On the site you can find contact details, buy books and see what activities are available.
Park Attwood Clinic. Offering Anthroposophical Medical care to in-patients and out-patients. This is orthodox medicine combined with natural therapies, art, eurythmy, spatial dynamics and massage. The doctors here are registered medical practitioners who have spent a further two years formally studying the anthroposophical, holistic, approach and who specify and supervise the coordinated treatment for each patient. Similarly all nurses and therapists here are trained in this approach.
Second Opinions. Caduceus contributor Barry Groves’ web site, containing a series of articles that aim to expose dietary and medical misinformation about low-calorie diets for slimming and weight loss; fats, cholesterol and heart disease; cancer screening; fluoride and tooth decay; food additives; bottled water; vegetarianism; health foods; alternative medicine; and other aspects of nutrition. presents research in spiritual awareness and healing. The site contains extensive healing studies references, books, articles, links, lectures and workshops.
Health Profession Organizations
British Holistic Medical Association. Aims to educate doctors, medical students, allied health professionals and members of the general public in the principles and practice of holistic medicine.
Institute for Complementary Medicine. Advisory body offering information about affiliated courses, standards, and research for patients and practitioners.
The British Acupuncture Council.
British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine.
The British Chiropractic Association.
British Association of Flower Essence Producers.
British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association. Organization for practitioners and small producers.
Craniosacral Therapy Association of the United Kingdom.
Mobile Phones & Masts
Mobile Phone Mast Action Group UK.
Powerwatch is the independent voice on EMF issues in the UK.
Department of Health website which gives the Government’s response to the Stewart Report.
Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones. Writers of the Stewart Report.
Mast Action UK is a voluntary national organisation, launched in the House of Commons in December 2000. The campaign was set up to help communities and individuals with Mast siting problems and aims to bring all masts under full planning regulations, to raise public awareness about the potential risks to everyone from masts and to unite and co-ordinate mast campaign groups across the country. Their web site contains a bulletin board, links to useful web sites, news stories and publications.
Mast Sanity a branch of the Campaign for Planning Sanity is a voluntary organisation dedicated to supporting, advising and actively aiding and representing local campaigns fighting the erection of mobile phone masts. The web site contains documents, campaign updates, the opportunity to register your campaign and information about planning legislation, where to start and how to make a legal challenge.
Alternatives. A wide-ranging programme of talks and workshops in London. You can obtain the diary of events or book on-line.
The Findhorn Foundation. A major international centre in Scotland, of spiritual education, personal transformation and sustainable technology. The web site contains a calendar of events, information on community projects and the opportunity to book onto events.
The Lotus Foundation offers sanctuary space within central London to spiritual and artistic events. In an intimate setting, a small group of people can come together to experience music, poetry, workshops, healing and therapy. They work to promote emerging, creative ventures where these are enhanced by the setting’s special nature.
Schumacher College. Promotes human scale sustainable development, science and eco-philosophy with course leaders of international repute. The site gives access to news and lecture archives.
Chopra Centre. Website of the Chopra Centre and Deepak Chopra: information, books, discussions and prayer boards.
The Alternative Network Directory of South Africa: Portal listing practitioners of complementary therapies, and a diary of forthcoming events.
Music Mike Scott and the Waterboys. The web site of Caduceus’ favourite band contains interviews, a discography, tour diaries, photos, news, the answers to frequently asked questions, lyrics and a forum.
Passion for the Planet is the UK’s only radio station to focus on our health, our environment and our personal development. Passion also plays a great mix of music from around the world. Listen on DAB digital radio across the south of England and nationally via the Internet at
Therapy Equipment Beautelle have been producing custom made couches and equipment for therapy, beauty and health for over 20 years. Manufactured at their Birmingham factory, the range includes couches, tables and treatment chairs from portable, static, hydraulic or electronic designs. Other product essentials include seating, posture saddle stools and trolleys.