Contents, Issue 112, Autumn 2024
Judicial scandal in Germany: The case of Reiner Füllmich
Wolfgang Jeschke describes the political trial against the civil rights and Covid activist that reveals the motives and behaviour of a compromised, constitutional state
The Quantum Vortex and Superenergy
by David Ash
Based on 50+ years of research, he re-writes quantum physics in plain language that embraces the spiritual and supernatural in science
How the cholesterol myth endangers people’s health
by Stephen McMurray
Dismantles the medical mainstream’s demonization of cholesterol and shows that statins cause more harm than good
Mythical Messiahs – a more accurate interpretation
by Dr Margaret Tottle-Smith
Examines the idea of Jesus as Messiah and the importance of the Essene sect in understanding the writings and zeitgeist of his time
Root canals: Uncovering the myths, the facts and their impact on overall health
by Dr Elmar Jung
As a holistic dentist, he explains root canals, their procedure and discusses potential long-term, health risks
US Government review finds fluoride exposure ‘consistently associated with lower IQ’ in children
The US National Toxicology Program report triggers US legal ruling that current levels pose an ‘unreasonable risk’ of reduced IQ in children
WHO’s Systematic Reviews: Who is pulling WHO’s strings?
by Alasdair Philips
Investigates the WHO’s reviewing of MW/RF health hazards and finds them highly biased and resistant to contradictory evidence
Regular columns
Editor Dawn Gorman selects poems about the value of quietly observing the natural world
FIGHTING GOLIATH – Exposing the flawed science and statistics behind the COVID-19 event; 180° – Unlearn The Lies You’ve Been Taught To Believe; RAT TRAP – The capture of medicine by animal research and how to break free; Climate Change isn’t Everything – Liberating Climate Politics from Alarmism
Martin J Walker
Copyright: 2024
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