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Caduceus issue 96 – print


Issue 96, Spring 2017

US research finds injury link to vaccinated children
Dr Robert Verkerk examines the issues around these challenging results

Return of the Golden Bough
Janis Fry discusses its recent reappearance after 3,000 years in an ancient Welsh yew

Shakespeare and the New Temple
Petter Amundsen indicates that Shakespeare’s writing hides a possibly dangerous secret

2017 – the year of Baconian revelation?
Claire Nahmad and Peter Welsford explore the history of decryption attempts and possible imminent revelations

Radionic therapy – treating a horse with ‘Love’
Di Welch describes the therapy and its extensive use by horse owners

Vaccines, glyphosate and the rise in autoimmune disease
Dr Stephanie Seneff reveals the effects of toxic ingredients, including glyphosate, in vaccines

Annual vaccination of cats and dogs is a fraud
Catherine O’Driscoll exposes the over-vaccination of animals and the effects on their health

<h3>Regular columns</h3>

New Global Festivals
Steve Nation on The United Nations and the Aquarian spirit

Poetry: In Tune with the Spirit
Jay Ramsay presents the work of new contemporary poets

Cultural Perspectives on Mental Wellbeing: Spiritual Interpretations of Symptoms in Medical Practice; The Stone Cradle; Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil; Re-enchanting the Forest: Meaningful Ritual in a Secular World; A Women’s Guide to Saving the World

How can poetry save the planet? – report on Waterloo Festival; Nuclear Test Veterans Appeal; Vaccination injury awareness mounts as more governments seek to mandate it; Residents sue Monsanto alleging cancer caused by Roundup; Hague trial condemns Monsanto; Fracking linked to increased infant mortality in the US; Spirituality gets certified; Caduceus wins award

Cover: Recently discovered ‘golden fleece’ as early stage Golden Bough on an ancient yew at St Margaret’s Church, Buxted, E Sussex. Photo: Andrew MacLean

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