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Caduceus issue 76 – print


Issue 76, Autumn/Winter 2008

Race to the Antarctic for peace and the environment
Tess Burrows and her partner race five others teams to the South Pole

Climate change: cool inconvenient truths expose flaws in CO2 model
Dr Peter Taylor presents neglected evidence that he argues shows global cooling has now started

View from the mountain
Wendy Ellyatt explores the Hopi and other prophesies surrounding 2012 in the context of transforming ourselves and society through ancient wisdom

Freedom through hardship
David Hamblin interprets what humanity faces from the horoscope for December 21, 2012

Sounding the sacred in Celtic shamanism
Dr Geo Trevarthen examines chanting and the use of sound and music to connect with the sacred

Magnesium chloride
Barbara Bourke describes its vital importance for optimum health, fighting infections and slowing the aging process

Working with soul in health and illness
Wendy Stokes reports on first joint conference by practitioners of spirit release

New Global Festivals – Steve Nation
Money and the financial crisis

James D’Angelo reports on ‘singing stones’ at Avebury with Tareth  

Astrology – Melanie Reinhart
Saturn opposite Uranus – break-up, breakdown and… breakthrough

Book reviews
The Mystery of 2012 – Predictions, Prophecies and Possibilities
2012 and the Galactic Center
The Woodland Year
The Cygnus Mystery

Poetry: In Tune with the Spirit
Jay Ramsay assesses the poetry of Cecil Collins    

Georgina Downs wins case against Government policy on pesticides
Help save Bride’s Mound at Glastonbury
Chemotherapy drug causes brain damage
Seaweed could replace salt in food
