Caduceus issue 108 – print
Issue 108, Autumn 2022
‘In times of universal deceit, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act’
by the Editor
Some of the evidence making this alleged Orwell quote so apt today
Open Air Factor – the forgotten airborne disinfectant
by Dr Richard Hobday
Explores its historical importance and why it has been overlooked by modern medicine
Weaponising the weather – how climate change is used to conceal geoengineering
by Elana Freeland
Reveals some of the history and development of using weather as a ‘force multiplier’
World Climate Declaration challenges ‘adjusted’ data in IPCC’s flawed models
by Peter Taylor
Exposes the constant lies, misinformation and financial agenda that underlies the UN stance and recent COP27 meeting on climate warming
The heart – a new understanding of how it works and why it gets sick
by Dr Stephen Hussey
Discusses three main myths about what causes heart disease
How excessive linoleic acid wrecks your health
by Dr Joseph Mercola
Reveals why linoleic acid, seed oils and excess omega-6 causes so much chronic disease
regular columns
Large vitamin D study finds significant reduction in Covid infection and death rates; Spiritual Arts Foundation launch; Silica-rich water can eliminate toxic aluminium from the body; Pair seeks legal case funds; New group challenges ICNIRP and rejects their RF guidance; Judicial Review for 5G case on December 13
Editor Dawn Gorman presents poems focusing on the nature of home
A Statin Free Life; The Courage to Face Covid-19 – Preventing Hospitalisation and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex; Designing Regenerative Food Systems and Why We Need Them Now; The New Heretics – Understanding the Conspiracy Theories Polarizing the World; Beyond Mainstream Medicine – Dialogue Towards a New Paradigm for Health; The Messenger
HM Queen Elizabeth II