In this issue
by Simon Best
The cover expresses the focus of this issue clearly – the use of nutrition to boost mental and emotional health. The charity Food for the Brain has launched two new tests: one to check levels of vitamin D, omega-3 and B vitamins to assess the risk of dementia from middle age, and the other to assess homocysteine level which can indicate predisposition to depression. A recent conference, entitled ‘Upgrade Your Brain’, heard a range of speakers address topics on nutrition and brain function.
Raw milk contains many important nutrients that pasteurisation destroys, which most milk drinkers are completely unaware of. Pasteurisation was necessary at a time when milking conditions were very unhygienic, but today’s milking facilities are dramatically improved, with requirements for raw milk producers usually more stringent than for those pasteurising it. American raw milk farmer Sally Morrell sets out the arguments and evidence pro and con.
Many nutrients are also destroyed by common, prescribed drugs, which most doctors are generally very unaware of and, thus, their patients even less. But as nutritionist Margaret Moss describes, long-term use of most drugs can lead to nutrient deficiencies. Specifically, she describes how much-used statins can deplete vitamin D and co-enzyme Q10, leading to a range of adverse effects and the last things the elderly should suffer.
As far as adverse effects go, the appalling damage done by SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants) is described by A Midwestern Doctor, a pseudonym for a currently practising, American doctor who wishes to remain anonymous to avoid being targeted by authorities. He documents the suicides and murder sprees triggered by the drugs, as well as exposing the corrupt trials by drug companies intent on promoting SSRIs as effective, when the latest research confirms that they are not. Fortunately, psychiatrists and others are starting to offer proper psychological support to those who want to slowly but surely withdraw from using them.
Misrepresenting evidence is the theme explored by Peter Taylor as he analyses and dissects the evidence and arguments presented in the recent Mann vs Steyn ‘hockey stick’ trial in the US. He explores the travesty of the outcome in Mann’s favour, when the neglected science, he argues, supports Steyn’s case that Mann manipulated past climate data.
Mark Herbert has written about Burgh Island in a past series of articles and here gathers evidence to explain how and why the evidence of it being the sacred ‘Ictis’ has been written out of the official history of the area. He reveals a tale of misdirection and deliberate suppression by those with their own agendas.
Finally, MP Andrew Bridgen recently organised another House of Commons discussion on excess deaths since the Covid vaccine rollout, supported by speeches from other MPs, which is endorsed by Dr Aseem Malhotra’s recent testimony to Japan’s Covid Inquiry, far more robust than the UK equivalent.
All of which should be seen in the light of the widespread distrust of the WHO’s current draft of their ‘Pandemic Treaty’ and revised International Health Regulations, to be voted on at the coming May 27 meeting, by which it is seeking to exert total control over individual member states to require them to follow its decrees on any future, so-called ‘pandemic’.
But this time we are well prepared to combat their lies and agenda and to resist their fearmongering about an imminent, ‘dangerous’ bird flu that the WHO demands we all need to be vaccinated against!