In this issue
by Simon Best
Aluminium toxicity is the overriding focus of this issue but the 4-page article based on Prof Christopher Exley’s 35+ years of research and evidence, backed by over 200 papers, only scratches the surface of the issue, which will be followed up in future issues. Meantime I would strongly encourage every reader to buy a copy of his book, Imagine You Are an Aluminum Atom, not only to educate yourself about the toxicity and pervasiveness Al in food, medicines, cosmetics (antiperspirants, sunscreens, etc) and the environment, but also support a scientist who has devoted his whole professional life to exposing and documenting Al’s devastating toxicity in a range of illnesses. Which makes his treatment by Keele University, for which he raised millions in research funds over the decades, even more despicable. Their behaviour is a salutary lesson about corruption in academia by financial vested interests, while the journal Nature and the Alzheimer’s Society emerge with their reputations tarnished.
Water fluoridation is finally exposed for its pollution and the adverse effects of its cocktail of toxic compounds from the industrial waste it derives from, especially aluminium smelting. In the US Dr Joseph Mercola reveals a long-suppressed National Toxicology Program’s systematic review of fluoride’s neurotoxicity has finally been released, under court order, in a long-running case against the EPA, which reveals multiple adverse effects, including reduced IQ in children, as suspected. Hopefully this mountain of evidence will be sufficient to convince US authorities to cease and ban it there, where currently 60% of the population is fluoridated. In the UK, where only 10% are fluoridated, Joy Warren discusses the Government’s plans and devious agendas, providing further evidence and arguments for why this completely unjustified mass medication should be banned.
Of equal concern is the pervasive and pernicious effects of glyphosate, which is used so widely used in the herbicide Roundup, especially in the US, but also as a desiccant in processing wheat products. Dr Stephanie Seneff’s bestseller, Toxic Legacy, describes the appalling damage it inflicts on many pathways in the gut and brain.
Exposing another form of toxicity, Dr Sarah Myhill reveals her extraordinary experiences as the most persecuted doctor by the General Medical Council (GMC). For some 20 years she has been subject of 38 (!) cases, all of which she has won! She exposes its lies, incompetence and Pharma agenda and why it is unfit for purpose. The BMJ has also just revealed how they invest doctors’ annual registration fees in such dubious areas as Big Pharma, Nestle and fast-food companies, while it pays its chief executive over £250K a year and six other staff over £200K! Time for all doctors to ask some serious questions of the GMC, its fitness to practise, staff salaries and highly questionable investment of their fees.
The Medicines and Heathcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has also been severely criticised for its incompetence. Will Jones discusses a new, scathing report, sent to all MPs, by the Perseus Group, comprising a team of experts from many fields, that calls for all C19 vaccines to be suspended, due to the level of reported injuries and deaths across all age groups and a full inquiry into the MHRA’s approval of them. It accuses the MHRA as being unfit for purpose and encourages people to write to their MP and sign a petition for a Public Inquiry. It is also highly critical of the MHRA’s recent announcement that it has morphed from ‘watchdog’ to ‘enabler’, clear evidence of its wholly compromised and untenable position as a ’regulator’. The report highlights many other areas of gross incompetence, perhaps the most shocking, its lack of interest in post-rollout issues with the C19 vaccines. The Perseus report needs to trigger real action.
Finally, Dr Edi Bilimoria explores the interconnections and contradictions between ancient models of the mind and modern research on the brain, while James D’Angelo describes how to use three primary sounds to achieve union with our true Self.
The second Better Way Conference took place again in Bath to a sell-out audience, but tickets can still be purchased for all recorded talks (p 5). Attending it, the array of speakers and talks made It another truly inspiring event!