Glyphosate, deuterium, air pollution and Covid‑19

With 50 years’ work at MIT to her credit, Dr Stephanie Seneff presents her analysis of how glyphosate may be affecting the incidence of Covid-19 and the appalling damage it wreaks in the microbiome and many pathways in the body and brain

over the past year Covid-19 has touched everybody’s lives in ways that never could have been anticipated. Face masks, lockdowns, grandparents longing for an opportunity to hug their grandchildren but afraid of dying, Covid tests every couple of days for college students, children home from school with two parents with full-time jobs desperate to figure out how to juggle all the balls. And now social pressure from all sides to ‘get the jab’.

And through it all, there is little mention from the mainstream media or the government that there might be a better way out of this. There has been a determined effort, driven by Big Pharma, to deny that any kind of natural treatment for Covid-19 could possibly work. Simple things like getting out in the sunlight and eating a 100% certified organic diet; eating abundant fermented foods to boost levels of vitamin K2; eating citrus fruits and (less widely known) cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower to boost vitamin C levels. 

Cruciferous vegetables are also a great source of sulfur. Sulfur, as you will see, is crucial for effectively fighting off Covid-19. Other beneficial, organic, sulfur-containing foods are animal-based foods like meats and seafood, which will help assure adequate resources to maintain high levels of glutathione, an essential, sulfur-containing antioxidant.

In this article I develop a hypothesis that explains the epidemiology of Covid-19 and shows why certain populations are at much higher risk than others. Technologically advanced countries are suffering much more from Covid-19 than countries that are based mainly on a small family-farm, agrarian economy. World leaders should be asking themselves the following question: why has the entire continent of Africa, with the exception of South Africa, mostly been spared from the pandemic?

Fig 1. Scatter plot indicating lack of correlation between high air pollution and high rates of death from Covid-19. Sources: ;

Covid-19 and air pollution

Several peer-reviewed articles coming out of the United States and Europe have shown that nanoparticle levels in air pollution are a risk factor for bad outcomes in Covid-19. In particular, a study conducted by researchers at Harvard University revealed that there is a strong correlation in the United States, at the county level, between the level of nanoparticles in the air and the risk of dying from Covid-19.1 I have hypothesised that there could be glyphosate contamination in nanoparticles in cities where biofuels derived from glyphosate-
exposed crops are heavily used.2 Glypho-sate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup and it is heavily used in agrochemical-based mega-farms.

The differences in death rates from Covid-19 between African countries, such as Nigeria, and the United States are shocking. Nigeria has extremely low death rates from Covid-19, despite many high-risk factors. Nigeria’s population is almost entirely black and, at least in the US, blacks have twice the risk of dying from Covid-19 compared to whites.3 Nigeria has one of the worst air pollution problems in the world. It has been stated that 96% of the people in Nigeria breathe air with a nanoparticle pollution level that is higher than what is deemed safe by the WHO.4 Nigeria also has a large population of extremely poor people living in crowded conditions in cities, another risk factor for Covid-19. There is very minimal social distancing or use of face masks.

One big factor working in their favour is that Nigeria has a very young population, with relatively fewer elderly people, in part because women in Nigeria have on average five+ children, compared to only one or two in technologically advanced nations. But even if one pretends that everybody who died from Covid-19 was over 65 years old, Nigeria suffered only one death for every 100 deaths in the USA, when the numbers are normalised by the total number of elderly people in each country.

I found information on the Web about air pollution levels and Covid-19 death rates among various countries and compiled a scatter plot of the results, shown in Fig 1. If air pollution were a risk factor for Covid-19 mortality, one would expect the dots to cluster along a straight line slanted upward – more air pollution = more deaths from Covid-19. 

This is not at all what is happening. The cluster on the right side of the graph is almost exclusively technologically advanced countries in Europe and America – relatively low air pollution, with very high Covid-19 mortality rates. The cluster on the left, with very high air pollution but near zero mortality, is mainly underdeveloped nations with an agrarian economy. Apparently, whatever is in the air in the developed nations is not present in the nanoparticles in the agrarian nations. Yet, as the Harvard study showed, within the USA, more air pollution is strongly linked to more deaths from Covid-19. 

Read the complete article in issue 105.

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