Integrative medicine practitioner, Meleni Aldridge explores the implications for treatment from this breakthrough understanding of how water actually functions at the cellular level
What if food and drink are not our only source of energy? What if we are more like plants than we realise? And what if water really does have memory? If the answer to all those questions is ‘yes’, how will it change the way you view your body and live your life?
In among the cacophony of data lining the annals of science, once in a while there appears essential research that decodes another part of the complexity that is Nature. Fourth phase water is the extraordinary discovery of Professor Gerald Pollack, Professor of Bioengineering, and his team at the University of Washington in Seattle. It fits this description aptly.
Prof Pollack’s research has flung open the door in quantum consciousness to demonstrate how water functions on our planet and, in particular, within all living organisms. Given that we are 70 percent water, these revelations change our entire perception of what life is and how it functions. They also open the door to a cascade of new opportunities for humankind.
Human plants
Harking back to basic, primary school science we all learned that green plants soak up sunlight and convert it into chemical energy (photosynthesis) which, in turn, drives the plant’s metabolism. When plants receive light, they split the water into positive and negative ions, creating the first step in photosynthesis. Essentially the plant behaves like a battery.
But, what if we humans are solar-powered too? Well, it seems we are. Pollack’s ground-breaking research shows that we, too, split water into positive and negative ions using light to make energy.
When water meets certain water-loving (hydrophilic) materials, it splits into positive and negative charges. It also forms a negatively charged matrix built from molecules composed of three hydrogen and two oxygen atoms, or H3O2. The layers that form are not just a few molecules deep – they may be millions of molecules deep. They form a layer of negatively charged, structured water that Pollack has termed an ‘exclusion zone’ – EZ for short (Fig 1). The word is derived from this specific form of water that has an insatiable tendency to exclude substances, somewhat like ice.
Pollack and his team have gone on to refer to this ‘structured’ water, which they suggest makes up the majority of the water within living systems, as the fourth ‘phase’ of water. Everyone is already familiar with the other three phases – ice, liquid and vapour – but this fourth phase is distinctly different from bulk water, or H2O.
Stumbling onto the truth
The link between the EZ and light was found totally by accident when one of Pollack’s students moved his angle light over the experiment he was conducting and found that the EZ grew in size wherever the light was directed.
Having repeated the experiment many times, the researchers have proven that, by directing more light at living organisms and membranes, the EZ grows. The light, in essence, is feeding the growth. As the EZ grows, there is an increased separation of charge, which also creates electrical energy. Thus, water behaves as a light-driven battery and, remarkably, our cells behave in the same way. For many of us, this is important information, as we have often thought the primary benefits of sunlight were due to producing vitamin D. It is yet another reason why we feel so good when we get out in the Sun.
This EZ water, which draws its electromagnetic energy from the Sun, helps the body to undertake numerous tasks that drive internal metabolism, akin to a form of human photosynthesis. The surface of water also contains an EZ right under the meniscus (the curved upper surface of a liquid). The more light, the deeper the EZ, creating structure in the water. Pollack argues that the ability of tiny droplets to persist on top of water surfaces (or even the ability of the Jesus Christ Lizard of Costa Rica to escape predators by being able to skip across water), demonstrates the effect of EZ water that could not occur from surface tension, which exists only in a single molecular layer, alone.
In fact, it is the only explanation Pollack offers for how red blood cells are pushed through the narrow, smaller spaces offered by surface capillaries. He reveals that we would need 1,000 times more pressure than the heart provides to do that job alone – a very different view of high blood pressure!
Read the complete article in issue 106.