Sunshine, skin cancer and vitamin D
Dr Sarah Myhill explains why sunshine exposure is fundamentally important for our health, while Big Pharma continues its endless fear campaign to maximise profits
Issue 110 Editorial
As the cover proclaims, the main health topic in this issue is boron’s very positive effect on arthritis and related illnesses. Author Walter Last was a very dedicated, Australian biochemist, who researched many health topics, and his website lists his wide-ranging articles…
Issue 109 Editorial
Aluminium toxicity is the overriding focus of this issue but the 4-page article based on Prof Christopher Exley’s 35+ years of research and evidence, backed by over 200 papers, only scratches the surface of the issue…
Open Air Factor – The forgotten airborne disinfectant
Diseases such as colds, influenza, measles, tuberculosis and Covid-19 spread indoors
The heart – A new understanding of how it works and why it gets sick
The inaugural Better Way Conference, held in the ancient city of healing waters, Bath, from May 20-22, gathered the most eminent doctors, broadcasters, scientists, health professionals and legal minds challenging the flawed science and prevailing, nefarious narratives concerning the Covid ‘pandemic’.
Issue 108 Editorial
There are a number of very important topics in this issue but perhaps the most dramatic are the revelations of the extent, duration and worldwide application of geoengineering for military purposes
Is sunshine more important than vitamin D?
The inaugural Better Way Conference, held in the ancient city of healing waters, Bath, from May 20-22, gathered the most eminent doctors, broadcasters, scientists, health professionals and legal minds challenging the flawed science and prevailing, nefarious narratives concerning the Covid ‘pandemic’.
Inaugural Better Way Conference spreads truth, transparency and trust
The inaugural Better Way Conference, held in the ancient city of healing waters, Bath, from May 20-22, gathered the most eminent doctors, broadcasters, scientists, health professionals and legal minds challenging the flawed science and prevailing, nefarious narratives concerning the Covid ‘pandemic’.
Issue 107 Editorial
One of the most significant events since the last issue – and one of the reasons for this issue’s delay – is the Better Way Conference in Bath last month
Molecular hydrogen therapy
Tyler LeBaron, Founder and Director of the Molecular Hydrogen Institute in Utah, USA, describes the growing research supporting the use of hydrogen in medicineMolecular hydrogen (ie. H2 gas) is gaining significant...